Saturday, August 17, 2013

Home teaching and visiting teaching, ministering to the one.

(This talk will be given in the Bothell Ward on 8/18/2013.)

This is my first time talking in your ward. I recently became a member of the ward council, and during the last few months I have been able to see firsthand the love that the Stake Presidency has for each of you. They send their love to you, and they truly appreciate the your labor in the Lord's vineyard.

I have to admit that even though I was really excited to give a talk in your ward, when I heard that the topic of this Sunday was home-teaching / visiting-teaching, I had mixed feelings. I love the home teaching program, but that is one area where I always think I can improve. That said, I am grateful for the home-teaching and visiting-teaching program.

Even though I will refer to home teaching for most of this talk, as it is the program I am more familiar with, the same principles of love and service apply to visiting teachers.

For those of you reading this blog, who are not familiar with the concept of home teaching, in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Bishop assigns home teachers to visit the members of the church every month. They go in pairs. Similarly, the visiting teachers is a Relief Society program where couples of sisters visit other sisters in the ward.

Home teaching is a blessing
Before I went on my mission, In the winter of 1997, I was a freshman at college in Minnesota. I was studying in my room, a bit worried about homework and tests I had in the next few days. I got a call. It was my home-teaching companion. He sounded pretty excited, he had set up some appointments for that evening and was checking if I could go home teaching with him. At first, I told him that I was really busy, that I had school work to attend to. "Ok"-- he said, "I may have to go by myself". "No, I will go with you" I told him, feeling a bit guilty -- I wasn't going to let him go by himself.

If I remember correctly, we visited two people. I don't remember what exactly we discussed with them. What I remember was the feeling I had while brother Johnson was driving me back to the college campus on that cold winter night in Minnesota. I felt that we were doing the right thing visiting those two individuals. Also, I remember thinking, that compared to my challenges, school work and all -- they were insignificant compared to the work we had just performed. The individuals we visited really needed the visit at the time.

When we home teach, we show our love for Heavenly Father
Later Day revelation describes some of the responsibilities of the priesthood:
" to teach, expound, exhort, baptize, and watch over the church; [...] And visit the house of each member, and exhort them to apray bvocally and in secret and attend to all cfamily duties. [...]The ateacher’s duty is to bwatch over the cchurch always, and be with and strengthen them;
And see that there is no iniquity in the church, neither ahardness with each other, neither lying, bbackbiting, nor cevil dspeaking; "
                                                            (D&C 20:42,47,53,54)

As you can see, home teaching is a direct application of this modern revelation. What I love about it, is that it is a way to minister to the individual, to put to practice the teachings of the Savior.

After his resurrection, the Lord appear to the disciples, and had this discussion with Peter:

15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, aFeed my sheep.
17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, aFeed my bsheep
                                                           (John 21: 15-17)

We express our love for Christ in the love and service we provide to our neighbor. The real quality home teacher is the one that becomes a friend to the family they are teaching. Home teaching is not a checkbox on our calendar, or an appointment. Home teaching is a relationship, it is friendship.

Great home teachers
As I was preparing this talk, I asked my wife whom she thought was the best home teacher we had had since we got married. She remembered one name in particular, and when I asked her why she thought this brother had been better than others, she said: "Because even after he was not our home teacher anymore, he always took the time to ask me how my family was and how I was doing".

That is the best home teacher, the friend that shows genuine love and cares about us.

Before the Bothell 3rd ward was divided, it was so large that it felt like someone was moving every weekend. I had the opportunity to see many committed home teachers go the extra mile to serve. There were times when those asking for help probably had not prepared as much as they should have before the day of the move. I remember two instances, one were the person moving had not really packed up as much as she should have. Another one were the person moving had not arranged the moving truck ahead of time and was several hours late. In such circumstances, it is easy to say "Well, I can only help for the next two or three hours, and then you are on your own". But in each of these situations I remember two home teachers being patient and loving to the person they were serving. They did not judge, they loved and served. I admire these two men who put others first, even though I am sure they had a lot of other obligations to worry about.

I know of many stories like this, and I myself have been the benefactor of friendship and service that home teachers can provide.  I moved myself about a year ago. And moving is something I don't want to do for the next 10 year or so. After all, if you have food storage, every time you move, you have to move all that food storage. Even though my family and I have been in the area for about 10 years, we are not from this area, and had little help in the terms of family help on the day of the move. I was a bit worried the day or two before the move. On the day of the move though, our home teachers and many other members of our ward family came to help. I remember brother Pope did not only come himself, but enlisted the help of many of the youth. I seldom ask for help, but I will be forever grateful for such manifestation of love.

But home teaching is more than coordinating a "moving crew". At times, home teachers bring the priesthood to many homes where it is not present. At other times, home teachers, help reinforce principles taught by parents. All the time, home teachers, invite the families to come to Christ.

Hastening the Work of Salvation
This year, we have seen a "hastening of the work". I am not a native English speaker, so I looked up "haste" in the dictionary.

Haste means "urgent need of quick action; a hurry or rush."

We have been reminded of the urgency to lengthen our stride in the work of the Lord. (link)

As part of this work, we need to share the gospel with our neighbors, open our mouths and share the gospel with everyone, be good examples. We need to work harder to nourish those new members, to make sure they have friends in our wards, to ensure that they are supported as they strive to live the commandments. We also need to minister to those that have fallen by the wayside. Home teaching plays an important role in each of these aspects, especially when home teaching less active or part member families.  Let us serve them and be patient.

Currently in the center of our dining table is a plant ("Marble Queen") that is growing happily there, and that looks like it is a bit too big for the size of the table. That was not always the case. You see, Amy, my wife, is a nurse by training. She also likes to garden. She is patient and likes to nurture to her plants. She is the person that goes to home depot and immediately goes to the clearance section where "half-dead" plants are sold at a discount. The "marble queen" on our dining room table, was one of those half dead plants.  Getting it to live required some water, a bit of nurturing (changing the pot, making sure it was not in direct sunlight, etc.), and quite a bit of patience. Most of all, it required a bit of faith and vision. What to me seemed like a "half dead" plant, to Amy was a beautiful plant that just requires some attention.

I think our Heavenly looks at us and sees many great souls that just require a bit of attention. He can see us for what we can become. He also knows that for us to grow, we need to learn to serve each other. Home teaching is a privilege, it is a blessing we have to be participants in the work of Salvation. I know that home teaching is an inspired program, and I say this in the name of Jesus the Christ, Amen.


Other stories:
1. Even less actives members can help home teach.
2. Sister Madusca receive blessings of the temple thanks to home teachers.

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